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Save Our 86: Phone Call Tips

Flooding the offices of politicians with phone calls is extremely effective. Phone calls carry a lot more weight than emails because they take more effort to do and are harder to ignore. Don’t worry if you don’t get through, just leave a voicemail and call them again in 10 minutes.

Some tips to help plan your phone call:

⚡ Start by telling the staffer you are calling their Councillor/MP in their capacity as [insert role] regarding the cancellation of the 86 bus service.

⚡ You might like to give a brief summary of the 86:

  • It’s a loop service that connects South Brisbane, West End, and Highgate Hill.
  • It started service in 2022 and was advertised to residents as a 12 month trial that was extended several times.
  • The service is scheduled to permanently end on January 27 when the first permanent Metro services begin.

⚡ You can then explain why the 86 is such an important service:

  • The more personalised you can make this, the more effective your phone call will be.
  • You don’t need to be a transport expert or use technical jargon. Use your own words to explain why the 86 matters to you.
  • Personal anecdotes are the best, but here are some ideas to get you started:
    • The 86 fills important gaps in the network and connects passengers to hubs like the South Brisbane Train Station and South Bank Train and Busway Stations
    • The 86 is particularly important for residents who live along Vulture St and the northern section of Montague Rd which do not have alternative frequent and reliable services.
    • The 86 is the only bus that conveniently connects students to West End SS and Brisbane SHS
    • The northern end of Montague Rd is about to be redeveloped with buildings up to 90 stories. To prevent gridlock in this area, state and local governments need to provide high quality public transport - the 86 is exactly what is required. 

⚡ To make your phone call even more effective, ask the staffer questions about their Councillor/MP’s position on the 86. For example:

  • What is [insert politician name]’s stance on the 86?

  • Will [insert politician name] be advocating to the Premier/Lord Mayor to continue funding the 86 past 27 January?
  • What actions has [insert politician name] taken to ensure that 86 passengers will continue to have high quality public transport into the future?
  • If the staffer responds poorly, it is okay to express your anger or frustration at their office’s failure to address the issue. But it is never okay to abuse a staffer or take out your anger on them personally.
  • You may wish to tell them that their failure to act means you will never vote for their party again (this is a very effective way to pressure politicians).


Here is a list of key politicians which should be your primary targets: Make every call count!



Phone Number

Brisbane City Council Transport Committee Chair  Cr Ryan Murphy   (07) 3407 1400
 State Minister for Transport and Main Roads   Brent Mickelberg MP  (07) 3719 7110
 Brisbane City Council Lord Mayor  Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner   (07) 3403 4400
 South Brisbane MP  Dr Barbara O'Shea MP  (07) 3724 9100


Here is a list of additional politicians which could be additional targets (you will probably need to explain why you think the 86 relates to their committee/portfolio):



Phone Number

Queensland Minister for Families, Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Child Safety and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence (responsible for communities)

 Amanda Camm MP

 (07) 3719 7360

Brisbane City Council Community & Arts Committee Chair

 Cr Vicki Howard

(07) 3403 0254

 Queensland Minister for Health and Ambulance Services

 Timothy Nicholls MP

(07) 3035 6100