Flooding the offices of politicians with phone calls is extremely effective. Phone calls carry a lot more weight than emails because they take more effort to do and are harder to ignore. Don’t worry if you don’t get through, just leave a voicemail and call them again in 10 minutes.
Some tips to help plan your phone call:
⚡ Start by telling the staffer you are calling their Councillor/MP in their capacity as [insert role] regarding the cancellation of the 86 bus service. ⚡ You might like to give a brief summary of the 86:
⚡ You can then explain why the 86 is such an important service:
⚡ To make your phone call even more effective, ask the staffer questions about their Councillor/MP’s position on the 86. For example:
Here is a list of key politicians which should be your primary targets: Make every call count!
Position |
Name |
Phone Number |
Brisbane City Council Transport Committee Chair | Cr Ryan Murphy | (07) 3407 1400 |
State Minister for Transport and Main Roads | Brent Mickelberg MP | (07) 3719 7110 |
Brisbane City Council Lord Mayor | Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner | (07) 3403 4400 |
South Brisbane MP | Dr Barbara O'Shea MP | (07) 3724 9100 |
Here is a list of additional politicians which could be additional targets (you will probably need to explain why you think the 86 relates to their committee/portfolio):
Position |
Name |
Phone Number |
Queensland Minister for Families, Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Child Safety and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence (responsible for communities) |
Amanda Camm MP |
(07) 3719 7360 |
Brisbane City Council Community & Arts Committee Chair |
Cr Vicki Howard |
(07) 3403 0254 |
Queensland Minister for Health and Ambulance Services |
Timothy Nicholls MP |
(07) 3035 6100 |