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06/12/24: Gabba Ward Wrapped: 2024 reflections and project updates

Dear Neighbours,

As 2024 comes to an end, I’ve found myself reflecting on the year that’s gone. 

While the past year has laid bare the devastating impacts of the housing and cost of living crises, it has also demonstrated the strength and resilience of local communities and organisations across the ward.

When governments fail to look out for ordinary people, these networks of relationships are worth their weight in gold. I would like to see governments at all levels flip their agenda and prioritise funding the grassroots groups on the ground who do most of the real work.

This year I’ve continued my collective and collaborative approach to working with community on a multitude of issues: 

  • Delivering more frequent and reliable public transport
  • Pushing for more government action on the housing crisis, such as a vacancy levy and more public housing
  • Delivering infrastructure like skate parks, bike lanes, dog parks, murals and accessible greenspaces.
  • Improvements to community facilities (People's Park Kiosk) and the future of Kurilpa Hall
  • Supporting the most marginalised in our communities
  • Facilitating opportunities for neighbours to get to know each other including new community gardening groups
  • Working with local change-makers and activists on social justice campaigns
  • Standing up to the major parties and their developer and corporate donor buddies when they try to sell out our community

We’ve planted together, planned together, strategised together, fought for the most marginalised in our community together. We have celebrated in shared joy through local community festivals like Kurilpa Derby, Laura Street Festival and the numerous creative and culturally significant festivals within the Gabba Ward. We’ve had wins, half wins and some losses - but we’ve never stopped fighting for our communities. 

This is of course during a time of global uncertainty with the rise of the extreme right and grief as war rages on in Ukraine, Sudan, West Papua, Congo, Kanaky (New Caledonia) and Palestine. 

I want to thank all residents, school P&Cs, community groups and organisations who have reached out to me and the Gabba Ward Office across the year. 

I want to acknowledge the amazing contributions of various local community organisations - West End Community House, West End Community Association, Kurilpa Futures, Montague Road Project, Active Transport for Annerley, Kangaroo Point Active Transport Group, Kangaroo Point Neighbourhood Watch, South Brisbane BUG, Jaggera Hall Committee, West End Skate Community, Jane Street Community Garden, Gloucester Street Garden, Highgate Hill Orchard, Kurilpa Commons, Community Union Defence League, Feeding 4101, Anti-Poverty Network QLD, Space 4 Cycling, Queensland Walks, Community Friends, Magandjin People's Pride. 

I thank you again for your confidence and support in electing me as the Councillor of the Gabba Ward earlier this year. I take my role as your elected representative seriously and continue my commitment to representing all residents to the best of my ability.

I wish you, your family, loved ones and friends a safe, joyful and restful holidays. 

In hope,

Trina smiling with a thumbs up while siting down on the entry ramp to the Ward Office. There are garden beds with plants on either side and large green trees in the background.

In this newsletter you’ll find:

  • Support for storm and flash flood affected residents
  • Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) update (including 2nd West End Ferry Terminal)
  • Montague Road Transport Study - draft released
  • Kurilpa Loop (86) Update
  • Musgrave Park and Kurilpa Point Park Update
  • LNP Council cuts children’s literacy programs
  • CityHopper Proposal Update
  • Trina and Max Raymond Park Christmas Party
  • Hampstead Road Greening Update
  • Several community Christmas drives and fundraisers
  • Community Petitions
  • Tree Removals
  • Community Events


Support for storm and flash flood affected residents

All week I’ve been speaking with residents who were affected by the storm and flash flooding we had last Sunday.

I have been pushing for Council to do a special kerbside collection to support affected residents but disappointingly the LNP Council have refused. So I am working with our federal member Max Chandler-Mather to conduct our own volunteer-led clean-up support.

We’ve already reached a lot of people by door knocking flood-affected streets. If we haven’t spoken to you and you need help cleaning up, you can register for assistance here.

We’re also looking for more volunteers who can help with the clean-up and most importantly, transporting rubbish to the tip. If you’ve got some free time and would like to help out, you can sign up here.


Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) update

In September 2023, BCC did a very short consultation with residents on the Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP). The LGIP represents Council's plans for new infrastructure delivery over a 10 year planning horizon. It includes stormwater, transport, parks and land for community facilities, as well as projected timeframes for delivery 

I’ve now received the confirmed updated LGIP. While the LGIP does not mean any budget has been allocated to these projects, I'm stoked to see the inclusion of various infrastructure projects that myself and community members have been advocating for. Some notable inclusions:

  • the long-promised second ferry terminal for West End
  • the Kangaroo Point Riverwalk (Dockside to Mowbray Park)
  • various intersection upgrades ward-wide
  • upgrades across multiple parks
  • critical stormwater works in South Brisbane, West End and Woolloongabba to build more flood resilience.

When the initial consultation on the LGIP was released there was major concern around the sudden appearance of two specified parks in West End and South Brisbane. The parks appeared with no previous consultation, no transparency around decision making and created great anxiety for residents living in these houses about potential compulsory resumptions.

While we desperately need new parkland, there are much better opportunities for parkland within the ward. Within West End Council should have prioritised vacant land at locations such as 16-24 Duncan St and 127-129 Hardgrave Rd or light industrial land such as 281-299 Montague Rd. In Woolloongabba Council could have looked into building over the railway near Gloucester St to create new parkland.

The community in both locations came together to push back. They organised local community meetings, circulated a locally-driven BCC petition and made many submissions to the LGIP consultation. 

I can now confirm that both specifications have been lifted, with the West End park specification moving to an unspecified location but remaining timelined for a delivery before 2026. Unspecified parks are much harder to deliver and I am frustrated that Council did not move the location to one of the locations listed above.

Our task now is to keep up the pressure on Council to ensure that budget is allocated to actually build these important infrastructure projects.


Montague Road Transport Study - draft released

With increased population density and public transport that is only really convenient for accessing the CBD, it’s no wonder Montague Road has become so congested.

The narrow footpaths with minimal shade and no bike lanes make it a challenging street for pedestrians and bike users alike.

To address these issues, Council has been working with the State Government to create a vision for this important corridor - both as a transport hub and public space.

The Montague Road Transport Study kicked off in late 2023 with a large online survey and mapping exercise. In November 2024, Council released the Draft Transport Study for consultation.

It’s really important that residents provide feedback on the Transport Study because it will determine the future of the Montague Road corridor.

Council has not organised any in-person community consultation sessions. So I am working with local community groups WECA, Kurilpa Futures and Montague Road Project to put on a community meeting next week.

Come along to learn more about the project and how you can have your voice heard. Nibbles will be provided. Drinks available to purchase.

Date: Tuesday 10 December 2024
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Location: Raven Hotel, 400 Montague Rd, West End

You can read the draft study here and complete Council’s survey here. Please also send me your thoughts on the study so I can include them in my submission.

Three 2D schematics of Montague Road showing bus lanes, car lanes, shared footpaths, bike lanes, trees, and buildings on either side.

Kurilpa Loop (86) Update

In late July I received detailed data on bus patronage for all free loops across Brisbane from a CEO information request. It was clear from this data that the 86 Loop was the most popular Free Loop in Brisbane.

Then just 5 minutes before entering the Chambers on 12 November, I received a letter from Council’s CEO stating the information sent in July was incorrect. I’m quite suspicious of this “corrected” data given that it was provided just minutes before the Chamber session in which:

  • I had publicly stated I would ask the Lord Mayor to make the 86 a permanent route, and
  • my Petition to keep the 86 Loop was submitted to the council with 1179 signatures (huge thanks to everyone who signed on).

It's clear from the amended information that 86 Loop is still a well-used bus; even if one of the other free loops had slightly higher usage across the year and the other two had much higher usage. Brisbane City Council has prohibited me from releasing the July data sets and the new summary publicly. They’ve also refused to break down the new data set into weekday/weekend averages at the individual stop level.

Disappointingly the Acting Mayor (Deputy Mayor Krista Adams) did not support my request to make the 86 a permanent route. She cited the “corrected” data and claimed the 86 was always a temporary service, never a trial. Below is the screenshot of Council’s website which clearly states that the loop was a trial.

The LNP Council administration is gaslighting us and playing politics with what should be a no brainer - better public transport.

I’ve since been advised that Monday 27 January is scheduled to be the final day the 86 Kurilpa Loop operates.

A screenshot of the \

Musgrave Park and Kurilpa Point Park Update

Thank you to all residents and organisations who contacted the cruel Lord Mayor via email, phone and social media to end these punitive actions and show a hint of compassion to some of the most marginalised in our community.

On Tuesday 5 November I submitted a motion to get Council to turn the BBQs and power back on. All LNP councillors present voted against the motion.

Nonetheless, the Council has since turned the BBQs on. But the power is still off affecting events, contractors, frontline support services and of course rough sleepers. 

This week the ABC revealed that the LNP administration has failed to back up claims of escalating violence among unhoused people in Musgrave Park. Given that allegations of increased violence was how the Lord Mayor justified turning off the power, he now needs to explain why he misled the public in order to push his cruel agenda.

Screenshot of news story. Headline: \

LNP Council cuts children’s literacy programs

“First 5 Forever” library sessions teach children crucial literacy skills and provide community for parents at what can be a very socially isolating time. They’re so popular that they’re often fully booked out - sometimes even turning parents away.

The LNP Council budget cuts continue to bite and are now affecting free children’s literacy sessions (like rhyme time and storytime) across Brisbane libraries. But there is still time to stop them!

Thank you to all the parents and families who joined us for a Giant Rhyme Time in King George Square last week to protest the LNP’s cuts to these vital programs.

A large crowd of parents with children are sitting under several Greens pop up marquees. A woman sits in front of them and is reading a children's story.

CityHopper Proposal Update

Thank you to everyone who sent in their feedback about the proposed changes to the CityHopper service. As the people who actually use the service, you have first-hand knowledge that won’t be obvious to transport planners and technical experts. Your insights were valuable in forming my position, which you can read in my submission.

I've now received some preliminary information from Council about the results of their survey. Roughly 1100 people responded to Council's survey, with 70% from Kangaroo Point and 12% from South Brisbane.

Council have confirmed they are planning to replace the CityHopper network with three high-frequency Cross River routes connecting: Maritime Museum to QUT Gardens Point, Holman St to Riverside, and Dockside to Sydney St. These changes will go into effect on 28 January 2025.

I'm frustrated that the LNP are using these changes to sneakily end free services. Passengers will be charged 50c in line with fares across the network (this fare will cover transfers, including to CityCats and connecting busses).

Unsurprisingly, the survey results overwhelmingly made clear that residents want a CityCat to stop in Kangaroo Point - either at Dockside or Holman St. Fighting for this to happen will be my top priority during the Ferry Network Review next year.

I am also organising a meeting with Transport for Brisbane to push for any cost savings from these changes to be reinvested in local public transport improvements. Increasing frequency and reliability on the 234 is my top priority here.


YOU ARE INVITED - Trina and Max Raymond Park Christmas Party

Bring the kids, family and your friends for an afternoon of fun, games & maybe a visit from Santa!

Join us for a special End-of-Year Christmas BBQ in your neighbourhood, at Raymond Park.

Come chat with myself and Max Chandler-Mather, MP for Griffith, as well as meet new neighbours and take a break from cooking during this busy time of year.

You’re invited to relax and savour a free bite to eat in the spirit of the season!

The title \

Hampstead Road Greening Update

Almost six months after it was promised, I have finally received concept designs for proposed upgrades to Hampstead Road.

This was a project I funded through my Suburban Enhancement Fund to deliver protected bike lanes and more tree coverage on this very wide road.

With the festive season upon us, I’ve decided to hold off on organising a follow up community meeting until the new year.

Date: Saturday 15 February 2025
Time: 10:30am - 12pm
Location: Lithuanian Hall, 49 Gladstone Rd, Highgate Hill

Community Plus Christmas Fundraiser

Community Plus Queensland, is running a Christmas fundraiser aimed at directly helping local community members here in Meanjin.

Most residents will know Community Plus through their management of West End Community House (WECH). Every day WECH supports residents who face challenges like food insecurity, domestic violence, homelessness, and mental illness. And the holiday season can be especially difficult.

This year, their fundraising initiative focuses on delivering direct support tailored to meet individual's specific needs. They are asking for tax-deductible donations as they can help in meaningful, tailored ways. 

A social media square promoting the Community Plus \

Coffee Brigade Christmas Pantry Drive

We are partnering with Brisbane based charity, Coffee Brigade, to provide essential food items for their daily service that supports people who are sleeping rough or experiencing hardship.

Since 1970, Coffee Brigade has provided free coffee, sandwiches and snacks to people in need across Brisbane, 365 days of the year.

Christmas can be a lonely and challenging time for people who are homeless or experiencing hardship, and we need your help to spread some Christmas cheer!

The Gabba Ward Office has signed up as a donation hub. Please help if you can by donating any of the following items:

  • Coffee/hot chocolate sachets
  • Cup-o-soups 
  • Long life milk
  • Tins of tuna/any tinned vegetables/beans/spaghetti
  • Muesli bars
  • Fruit cups 
  • Individual biscuit packets 
  • Noodle cups

Donations can be made at the Gabba Ward Office and must be received by close of business Friday 13 December.

A social media square for Coffee Brigade. Background is deep blue with the words in white: \

Rosies Christmas Wish List Drive

Rosies is a Queensland charity that aims to offer friendship and unconditional acceptance to those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or are experiencing social isolation or loneliness.

As the holiday season approaches, Rosies are gearing up for a Christmas Wish List Drive, and they need your help to spread some holiday cheer! 🎁

This year Rosies are collecting essential outreach items to support individuals experiencing homelessness and social isolation in our community. Their wish list includes:

  • Instant noodle cups 🍜
  • Biscuits 🍪
  • Cordial 🧃
  • Muesli Bars 🍫
  • and other small essentials to help brighten someone's holiday season. 🎅🤶

Donations can be made at the Gabba Ward Office and must be received by close of business Monday 16 December.

A social media square with the Rosies logo in the centre. It's broken into four quadrants with thick red lines in a cross shape with a pink background. Each quadrant has an image and words of the following: instant noodle cups, cordial, muesli bars, biscuits.

Community Petitions

  • Residents are calling on Council to install a protected, bidirectional bike lane on Herschel Street between North Quay and George Street to enable people riding bikes and scooters a safer journey along Herschel Street. You can sign the petition here.


Tree Removals

  • 22 Cordelia St, South Brisbane: a Syzygium tree is being removed due to poor health and structure by the end of December. A replacement lilly pilly will be planted within 90 days of the removal date.
  • Raymond Park, Kangaroo Point: a eucalyptus tree is going to be removed due to poor health and will be completed by the end of January. A Queensland Brush Box will be planted as a replacement by the end of February.
  • 359 Gladstone Rd, Dutton Park: a large dead eucalyptus tree was scheduled to be removed in mid-November. After advocacy from my office, Council has agreed that if the lower trunk is hollow they will leave a large 5m+ long section positioned under a tree within a nearby park to provide habitat value.
  • South Brisbane Cemetery: a significant large Kauri pine is in terminal decline and will be removed. I’ve been advised that arborists have worked hard to save the tree but it was not possible. A replacement Kauri pine will be planted in the same location.


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