This content is from a petition published by former Gabba Ward Councillor Jonathan Sriranganathan on June 19th, 2017. The petition received 1527 signatures, and is no longer active.
Brisbane City Council has again failed to include funding for a ferry terminal near Victoria St, West End in its annual budget, and has also neglected to include it in its 10-year Local Government Infrastructure Plan.
This petition is worded broadly to include alternative public transport options, so you can sign it even if you don't necessarily think a ferry terminal is the best choice, however it also makes quite specific demands. Previous petitions regarding this issue only targeted the city council, but the State Government is ultimately responsible for signing off on the Local Government Infrastructure Plan.
The point is to force both Brisbane City Council and the Queensland Government to acknowledge that the current Blue CityGlider service is not enough to handle future projected population growth on the Kurilpa Peninsula and that council must plan to deliver better public transport in the next few years if it wants to reduce traffic congestion rather than sitting by and watching it get worse.
Other actions you can take:
Call or email Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner on 3403 4400 or [email protected] to ask him to fund a West End CityCat terminal in the annual budget.
Petition text:
We call on the Lord Mayor and Brisbane City Council to include funding in the annual budget and the Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) for a new ferry terminal or other high-capacity, high-frequency public transport service along the western side of the West End peninsula. We call for the delivery of this infrastructure within the next three years.
We call on the State Government and the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning to refuse to support further high-density development along the western side of the Kurilpa Peninsula until there's a clear commitment from council to a new ferry terminal or other significant public transport investment for this area.
A new ferry terminal to service the Montague Road side of West End was a specific inclusion in the 2011 South Brisbane Riverside Neighbourhood Plan, and was seen as essential to cater for the area’s rapid population growth. West End’s population has risen significantly, and council has approved several apartment developments of even greater heights and gross floor areas than the already generous limits set out in the South Brisbane Riverside Neighbourhood Plan.
Montague Road is often heavily congested during peak periods and the current Blue CityGlider route gets delayed by general traffic. While the Brisbane Metro and Cross River Rail projects will improve public transport services for other parts of Brisbane, the city council has failed to fund public transport improvements along Montague Road and around West End more generally. High-density development without public infrastructure is unsustainable. Please prioritise delivering this long-overdue upgrade.