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Guiding the Future of Davies Park

Right now, the Federal government is considering offering a grant of $1m to Brisbane City Council, to upgrade infrastructure at Davies Park. Council's current plan is to spend it all on upgrades to kitchen and bathroom facilities in the Davies Park Clubhouse, currently under a private lease to Souths Leagues Club.

The clubhouse - along with the entire central oval at Davies Park - is not publicly accessible. It receives use only 3-5 times a year for rugby games; and otherwise is a private for-hire venue.

We think the public should have a say about how their money is spent on Council-owned facilities. Are these upgrades providing the best value and community utility? What other options should be considered for infrastructure upgrades in Davies Park? Is there a risk that upgrading private facilities will further limit public access to Davies Park?


Public Consultation

We are opening up public consultation with residents, on the management and direction of Davies Park. It only takes 2 minutes to complete!

[ Have your say - take our Davies Park Community Survey ]

You are also welcome to join our upcoming community consultation workshops:

Saturday 28 September, 10am - RSVP here


Stakeholder Consultation

In May 2024, we carried out a Preliminary Stakeholder Consultation with 21 different stakeholders connected to Davies Park.



[ Have your say on the future of Davies Park - take our community survey today ]


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