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Can you call the Deputy Premier?

You can help stop the Deputy Premier from approving the LNP's anti-democratic suspension of the City Plan that will make the housing crisis worse.

Call his office now on (07) 3719 7000 and say something like...



Hi, my name's _______ and I'm a resident from _______.

I want to express my concerns to the Deputy Premier about the LNP's scheme to suspend the City Plan in favour of the Temporary Local Planning Instrument - could you please take note to pass my objections and grounds along to him?

I believe that TLPI 01/23 Kurilpa Sustainable Growth Precinct should be rejected, because:

1. a TLPI should only be used as an emergency measure to address a “significant risk of serious adverse cultural, economic, environmental or social conditions happening in the local government area”. While we are in the midst of a housing crisis, the TLPI has no mandated housing affordability mechanisms to address it.

2. a TLPI is only valid when the delay involved in using other local planning instruments would increase the risk of the crisis. This TLPI will make the housing crisis worse by delaying construction of new housing stock as developers wait to rewrite plans and build taller buildings that could increase build times by 4 years on average.

3. a TLPI can only be approved if it would not adversely affect State interests. This TLPI will put hyper dense development in high risk flood zones, and also fails to provide sufficient infrastructure to accommodate the extra population.

Could you please make sure the Deputy Premier has these concerns passed onto him?

Thank-you for your time.



Make sure to leave a message if they don't answer.

Want more background info? Read about it here.

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