We are in a housing and rental affordability crisis. We know more homes must be built, but how and what these homes should be must come hand in hand with the community's input on these developments. These decisions should also be made with the understanding of the social infrastructure needed to support high-density living. I'm talking about schools, access to childcare, parks, public transport and doctors and more.
On 3 March 2023, Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner announced the review of the Kurilpa Precinct Master Plan. If adopted, this policy would enable a new building height of 274 metres, 90 storeys high.
The footprint of these future developments is extensive, with one arm spanning from the tip of Kuripla (next to the cultural precinct) down Riverside Drive and Montague Road stopping only around Hocking Street. The other side stretches up to Boundary St and Manning St in a block til Musgrave Park. The precinct goes further once reaching Musgrave Park, with the area between Cordelia and Merivale Street up to Vulture Street as part of this greater Precinct reach.
The majority of the Kurilpa Precinct sits is within a flood zone.
It's only been just over 12 months since the most recent floods left residents without power, isolated and devastated. However, residents are building resilience, planning for a future where developers have failed to mitigate the effects of future floods.
Luxury apartments delivered by developers who have failed in their responsibility to residents will not get us out of this housing and rental crisis. Likewise, planning without community consultation that will enable massive urban monoliths to be built side by side without social infrastructure planning will fail in delivering a healthy, connected and mobile community.
Email the Deputy Premier using template below
The Deputy Premier is also the Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning. He decides whether or not to reject the LNP’s Kurilpa Precinct TLPI (more background info here).
Let this Labor government know we need affordable housing now, not hyper density by emailing Deputy Premier Steven Miles. Use the below email template for a quick and easy way to send a message directly to him, with some key messages that point out sections in the Planning Act, and give reasons under those sections for rejecting the LNP’s overreaching planning instrument.
Your submission will be most powerful if you personalise the email with your own views on delivering affordable housing now, defending democratic process, and defending disaster flood zones from hyper development.