Dear Neighbours,
I write to you after working as the councillor for the Gabba for about a month. In what has been an energising few weeks, we’ve hit the ground running to get out into the community and continue the work. Throughout this month I’ve had the opportunity to meet countless residents through local pop- ups, events and meetings. I’ve also spoken with community organisations, local businesses and grassroots collectives working across the Gabba.
Times are tough and there are challenges present now and on the horizon. The cost of living and housing crisis affecting everyday people, the lack of green spaces, the challenges presented by the Olympics and Paralympics mega development and the growing number of unhoused sleeping rough to mention a few.
However, in this month through conversations I’ve felt and experienced a community togetherness and willingness to engage and support each other.
In these challenging times, it’s the connections built throughout our community that give us strength. It is from this strength that I proudly fight for our neighbours and communities in Brisbane City Council.
I thank everyone who has welcomed me and I look forward to meeting more residents across the coming months.
Rise Up! is a FREE festival with a purpose. Our community is facing an existential threat; the state government wants to shut down East Brisbane State School, and in doing so Brisbane City Council will enable the fencing out of residents from the largest greenspace on the Kangaroo Point peninsula - all for a two weeks sports event. But we’re not backing down without a fight!
Come join us in Raymond (aka Pineapple) Park for the mother of all community festivals. The festival is presented by Friends of Raymond Park, with support from myself, Amy MacMahon and Max Chandler-Mather.
Help us show the government how important this greenspace is while enjoying a celebratory afternoon filled with live music and revelry.
90 Stories High:
We are in a housing and rental affordability crisis. We know more homes must be built, but how and what these homes should be must come hand in hand with the community's input on these developments. These decisions should also be made with the understanding of the social infrastructure needed to support high-density living. I'm talking about schools, access to childcare, parks, public transport, access to health and more.
On 3 March 2023, Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner announced the review of the Kurilpa Precinct Master Plan. If adopted, this policy would enable a new building height of 274 metres, 90 storeys high.
It's only been just over 12 months since the most recent floods left residents without power, isolated and devastated. However, residents are building resilience, planning for a future where developers have failed to mitigate the effects of future floods.
More luxury apartments delivered by developers who have failed in their social responsibility to residents will not get us out of this housing and rental crisis. Likewise, planning without community consultation that will enable massive urban monoliths to be built side by side without social infrastructure planning will fail in delivering a healthy, connected and mobile community.
The community is already activating. Kurilpa Futures is hosting a Community Forum
- To gather community views on the BCC proposal to increase building height within the Kurilpa Precinct to 90 storeys.
- To outline the recently released Brisbane Inner City Strategy for the Kurilpa Precinct.
DATE: 18TH JUNE, 2023
TIME: 10.00 AM – 1.00 PM
I hope to see you there.
I’m your councillor … how did that happen:
My appointment: as Councillor is possible under the City of Brisbane Act 2010 - current as of March 2023. Under this act, Jonathan Sriranganathan is vacating the position with less than 12 months until the 16 March 2024 election, because of this there is no by-election. Instead, once Jonathan informed his party of his decision not to contest the 2024 election in the Gabba Ward, local residents of his party held a democratically contested pre-selection. According to the results, I was declared into the role on May 2 2023.
I want to thank the community for your patience while in transition throughout late April and early May. I want to thank the many residents across the Gabba Ward for their kind and most warm welcome.
First Speech: On May 9 I entered council for the first time as the appointed councillor for the Gabba Ward. On that day I delivered my First Speech in chambers, speaking on my appointment and the future of Brisbane and the Gabba.
You can watch the speech on my website.
Gabba Infrastructure Updates:
Dockside Ferry Terminal
I'm happy to inform the Kangaroo Point community and beyond that works (both fabrication and on-site) will commence for the Dockside Ferry Terminal Upgrade this June!
Construction works are scheduled from Monday to Friday between 6.30 am and 6.30 pm, with Saturday works only as required, weather and construction conditions permitting.
The project is timelined for delivery in early 2024.
60 Bus stop relocation
Recently I spoke to the BCC Chair of the Transportation to receive an update on the 60 Bus - Stop relocation. I’m pleased to inform the community that Translink is now working on a timeline to deliver the bus stop relocation.
I’ll keep working to progress this project and keep you updated.
My best to you,