Dear neighbours,
Wishing you a great start to the week. I’m contacting you with my three-weekly newsletter to provide updates and information about what’s been happening across the Gabba Ward.
Below you will find updates on the 60 Bus Stop, information about the amendments to the Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP), community calls out for support, and information about where you can catch me for a chat across the coming months.
The New Blue Glider 60 Bus Stop:
In a great win for the West End community, I’m pleased to update you that the Council will add a stop at Montague Markets (Montague Road at Raven Street, West End stop 12) to the Blue CityGlider service. For now, the existing stops (including Cordeaux Street) will be retained on the Blue CityGlider service.
Thanks to everyone who signed petitions and campaigned for this additional stop.
Amendments to the local government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP):
Recently the Council announced amendment changes to the LGIP.
The proposed changes exist to ensure that the LGIP compiles with statutory requirements and aligns with Council's citywide investment priorities. The LGIP has clear ramifications for the community now and in the upcoming years.
The community must have their say on what they support and don't support in relation to the future infrastructure of their ward and communities!
Please note that future projects in the LGIP are not budgeted, and their inclusion in the LGIP does not mean they will necessarily be completed. There are some great wins and some amendments we must stand against together.
Please Note: The consultation/submission period is open until 11:59 pm 14 September 2023.
A submission can be made via:
- emailing [email protected] with a subject line stating 'Submission to LGIP amendment 1B'
- submitting online via City Plan online
- writing to:
Infrastructure Coordination
City Planning and Economic Development
Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane Qld 4001.
You can view the amendments and the previous LGIP HERE
Our Wins: Additions to the LGIP we've been fighting for !
- Kangaroo Point Riverwalk completion: Connecting Kangaroo Point Riverwalk (Dockside Ferry Terminal to Mowbray Park) is a critical missing active transport link and is budgeted $40 million for future budget allocations.
- Victoria Street Ferry, West End: Over the past few months, I've intensely advocated, publicly in chambers and through briefings with council officers, the return of the Victoria Street Ferry into infrastructure plans. The Victoria Street Ferry is now a proposed amendment in the LGIP. Totalling $17.8 million for future budget allocations.
Future new Park upgrades: Green space is rare in our area, and the LGIP amendment includes necessary park upgrades totalling over $9 million of future budget allocation for the following existing parks:
- Musgrave Park
- Dutton Park
- Raymond Park
- Kangaroo Point Cliffs Park
Challenges: Additions to the LGIP to fight against!
As the density and population of West End and South Brisbane have increased, providing Greenspace and parks in the area has been a massive failure for the LNP administration. For years, former Councillor Jonathan Sriranganathan and, most recently, myself have advocated for a pocket park model that would deliver Greenspace for West End and South Brisbane from properties as they come to market.
The amendment to the LGIP has moved an unspecified park in West End to a location with five character houses and six townhouses in Raven St, Ida St and Rogers St. There is also a new specification of a park where four homes are in Gloucester and Colin St South Brisbane.
These specific identified locations must be removed to protect owners and tenants from uncertain futures. Council must move to the delivery of pocket parks for these areas and ensure only vacant land or houses purchased on the market are obtained by Council.
Community Meeting on the LGIP:
On Sunday, 3 September, 2 pm - 4 pm at Jagera Hall, I'll host a community meeting to inform residents about the amendments to the LGIP, answer any questions, and discuss the next steps forward.
I'll also share a publicly accessible submission in the coming weeks after continuing to speak to residents across the Gabba Ward.
Support Community Action!
Residents from Raven St, Ida St and Rogers St have started a campaign to make submissions to move this specified park location into back to an unspecified location.
A message from these residents:
Brisbane City Council recently sent out 15000 letters to Brisbane residents advising them of Local Government Infrastructure Plan changes affecting their properties. Eleven homes in West End, five “Queenslander Character Residential” homes and six townhouses are in the firing line to create a small park, despite vacant land available a few hundred meters away. This is a direct result of Council’s failure to provide adequate green space in the right space.
You can access their community submission from the link below.
Kurilpa Derby Volunteer Call out:
Kurilpa Derby is a people-powered event supported by locals passionate about social justice, equality, sustainable development and keeping the spirit of our unique neighbourhood alive.
Volunteers are needed for the event to
- help set up and pack down
- help with the races
- assist with artists
- support the kiosk info space and more.
Please join me as a volunteer to support this fantastic and essential local event.
Kurilpa Derby is on 10 September 2023 1 pm - 9 pm.
TLPI Kurilpa Update:
Our fight against the Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI): Kurilpa continues after the Labour Deputy premier Steven Miles has stated support for the TLPI with some added, but poorly defined, housing affordability measures. According to the Deputy Premier an example of housing affordability in the Kurilpa Precinct is a nurse earning $90,000 paying up to $520 a week for a rent. This is not affordable by any definition.
I have been strongly opposed to the TLPI (to create 90 Story developments) in Kurilpa and the use of a TLPI to override neighbourhood plans and the Planning Scheme amendment process. The Greens have made a clear statement on the TLPI Kurilpa. If the Greens have the power to do so we will revoke the TLPI: Kurilpa.
You can check out my video about the State support for the TLPI: Kurilpa HERE
The Welcome Project:
I met with Nina Lansbury and Cathy Grant, members of The Welcome Project, a few weeks back. The Welcome Project is an initiative of a group of Brisbane Southside community members who have come together to sponsor a refugee household under the new federal government CRISP scheme (Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot). Further information is at
The local group are committed to supporting the family for 12 months and are now calling for assistance from the greater community.
Do you have a property you could rent to the family for at least one year? If so, please contact group coordinator Cathy via email at [email protected].
Could you donate to support essential items? All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Please donate if you can via this link:
In Community:
Great to join students from Dutton Park State School to plant an indigenous edible garden on Tree Planting Day.
Many thanks to those who attended, students and staff at West End Community House for their Homeless Week Breakfast.
Congratulations to all the Gold Star and Little Star participants who received their certificates and medals at a wonderful event in West End Library.
Come Have A Chat With Me:
- Saturday 26 August | 8 am - 10 am | Montague Road Markets West End - RSVP
- Friday 8 September | 5pm - 7pm | Friday after work at Fables Woolloongabba - RSVP
- Saturday 30 September | 8am - 10am | Coffee at Flour Leopard Kangaroo Point - RSVP
In Solidarity,